U have wide screen UwU
SMOC Recruitment
A Recruitment Website for SMOC. As a part of my internship. SMOC (System Management Operation Center) is a company that provides IT services for the government. Owned by PT. Jaya Wira Manggala (JWM).
code | nuxttypescriptsasstailwindnodejsbrush | Company Work
QkyMauln - Personal Website
A Personal Website used for portofolio
code | nuxttypescriptsasstailwindnodejsbrush | Personal Project
IRA-Chatting - Simple Chatting Website
A basic websocket based chat website using Socket.io. Using Express.js as backend, pretty much vanilla at this point
code | htmljavascripttypescriptcssnodejsbrush | Fun/Silly Projectinventory_2 | Apache License 2.0
Count Area
A Silly Project. Trying to do math stuff out of this
code | htmljavascriptcssbrush | Fun/Silly Projectinventory_2 | Unlicensed
Qky.life - Personal Website
First Design of my personal website
code | vuevitesasstypescriptbrush | Personal Project
A front-end of my discord scrapper. View every attachment in every discord channels (By that, its mean, the servers that this bot join! You can suggest me a good nsfw server so i can add it to here xD (By Partner Up With the Owner))
code | vuejavascriptcsshtmlbrush | Fun/Silly Projectinventory_2 | MIT License
AutoModeration Discord Bot
A bot that heavily focused on moderation. With simple yet powerful anti-profanity feature "Hardcoded" inside (Not a public bot!). Anti-Profanity uses old-school Regexp. Currently has Indonesian and English profanity regex dictionary inside
code | typescriptnodejsbrush | Personal Projectinventory_2 | MIT License
ProjectA - Discord Scrapper
This project use older discord.js for selfbotting, I don't recommend you to use this, its used for scrapping messages or attachments only
code | javascriptnodejsbrush | Fun/Silly Project
QkyBot Discord Bot
The first bot project I made for learning and stuffs. I don't recommend you to use this, the code is unreadable basically...
code | typescriptjavascriptnodejsbrush | Fun/Silly Projectinventory_2 | Apache License 2.0
Look! I get it! It's server side rendered, but You have to turn your fricking JavaScript on! (> ~ <)